LiPo Battery Parallel Charging Tutorial -
How to Charge Multiple Lipo Batteries with a Parallel Charging Board -
You MUST connect each battery back in parallel
Each battery MUST be the same cell count
Cell variance must not exceed 0.2V per cell
You MUST connect the main Discharge leads before the balance leads
You MUST connect each battery balance lead to the parallel board.
You MUST understand battery safety guidelines
Do not charge unattended:
The single most important thing is to not charge unattended, this does apply to charging in general, not only parallel charging.
Put your batteries in a fireproof place while charging - use a battery safe, bag or similar:
Lipo bag -
Choose proper charging current:
When parallel charging, you want to make sure that you are still charging your batteries with 1C.
Six batteries in parallel will each draw 1/6 of the set current.
In order to get the proper current value you multiple the current you would use for one battery and multiply it by six.
For example: You want to charge six, 2S, 300mAh batteries.
One of those batteries you would charge with 300mA - so 1C.
To charge six of those batteries with 1C you would need to set your charger to 6 x 300mA = 1.8A.
If you want to charge batteries with different capacities, simply add up their capacities to get to the proper charging current.
For example: You want to charge three, 2S, 300mAh batteries and three, 2S, 450mAh batteries.
You would need to set your charger to 3 x 300mA + 3 x 450mAh = 2.25 A.
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